IAS – Indústria de Aviação e Serviços

IAS is a Strategic Defense Company guided by a dynamic relation between market needs and the capacity of nationalization of the maintenance of turbo machines and their accessories, electro-mechanical components and structures.


Safety: In aviation, all are responsible for flight safety.

Quality: Quality products are key for the longevity of the business.

Passionate about Customers: If the Company is not passionate about Customers, Customers will not be passionate about the Company.

Creativity and Innovation: To be the best we always have to be ahead of the competitors and it is only with creative solutions and innovation that this is possible.

Accountability: The Company is committed to a transparent, responsible and ethical stance in its relations to society.

Integrated Management Policy

The IAS recognizes as a corporate strategy the excellence in aircraft article maintenance activities, based on the quality of services, product safety and operations, environmental preservation, employee well-being, and the commitment to being socially responsible.

Download our Integrated Management Policy

Certifications and Approvals


Authorized Service Center

Authorized Service Center

Technical Support Agreement (TSA) for engine PW100

Support for the electro-mechanical components of F5 of the Brazilian Airforce (FAB)

Service center for engines VK-2500 and gearbox VR-24

+ 55 31 3623-6309
+ 55 31 3623-6304


Av. Marconi Issa, 300 - Perobas
São José da Lapa - Minas Gerais
Brasil - CEP 33350-000